Discover the Heartbeat Behind the Comfort:
Unveiling the Essence of Kallas

Who Are We?
Kallas Heating & Cooling – a family legacy that started in the warmth of a home, transcending into a narrative of comfort and commitment. Join us as we share the story behind the name, where every chapter is a testament to our dedication to making your home a haven. Let's delve into the heart of Kallas – your trusted family in home comfort.

The Beginning... Mr. Al Kallas
In the early 1990s, Al Kallas started Kallas Heating & Cooling out of his barn, at his home in Swartz Creek. As his business grew, he had to move the business out of his home! He purchased the building at 8121 Miller Rd here in Swartz Creek & began working hard out of there! He had multiple employees and his son Jonathan worked hand in hand with his father, Al. Jonathan had the family business down like the back of his hand by age 12. He was helping in the summer, after school days, all learning the trade of the family business that he would one day take over. Not long after this, Jonathan's best friend Rob Olsen would also come to work for Kallas.
A Second Generation Begins
In 1998, Jonathan met Julie Harrison. They welcomed their only child, Haley Ann, in 2000. A year later, Jon & Julie were married! Jon continued working the family business, while Julie focused on her college classes and business degrees, including her real estate license.

The Family Cruise
Each year when selling so many products, Al would earn a cruise for two. In 2005, Jonathan wanted his family to join them. He worked the previous year doing after-hours heating and cooling jobs with Rob to save money to go. After successfully earning and attending the cruise, among the trip, things began to change.

An Unexpected Change
The last few days of the trip, Jonathan fell ill. Upon returning home, he still went to work that Monday, 2/1/2005, although he wasn't feeling well. He was a committed worker, despite feeling ill. When his jobs were complete, he went home, Julie following home a couple hours later. Little did she know, her life was about to change. Jon has passed away unexpectedly at just 21 years old. The autopsy revealed it was norovirus; contracted on the cruise vacation that he had just worked so had for.
Learning Life Without You
Jonathan's death changed many things. Not just personally, but with the business as well. Al continued on with the business, but it just wasn't the same. Alongside running the business, Al began teaching heating and cooling classes at Mott Community College.
Julie came into the family business as a secretary. Al taught her "the ropes" and continues to teach her, even in his retirement. After Al's retirement and to keep the business in the family, Julie purchased the business in 2010. It hasn't always been easy to be a "girl in a boy's world" especially in the heating & cooling business. But to know the small family business not only continues but continues to go; makes it worth it all.

When Fate Meets Reality
As the business would continue to grow, it would once again need to relocate. This time, it was just a couple blocks down to 8077 Miller Road. Kallas's current location!
Years after taking over the business, Julie would reconnect with Jonathan's childhood best friend, Rob. (Remember when we mentioned he worked for Al?) Rob and Julie are now planning their wedding.
Rob is an honorably discharged army veteran, a licensed contractor, and a licensed HVAC contractor. Rob has a very strong work ethic just as Jonathan did! Rob took over the day to day operations as the business continues to flourish and grow!

If you've ever visited us, or plan to in the future (we hope you will!) Please know that you may come across toddler toys, a sleeping toddler, or friendly dogs! We take pride in being a family business and look forward to helping your family with your heating and cooling needs!
Thank you for trusting us with your business! Our family appreciates you!
When We Say Family, We Mean It!
To say we are a family business is an understatement. Julie's daughter, Haley, who has grown up with the family business all 23 years of her life, now works as a secretary and an installer for Kallas. And in just a few years, Layla, her daughter, will be working with us, I'm sure. Making her Papa & Great-Grandpa proud!